The Fantastic Music Band

Rock 'n' Needle

Rare, medium or black and crispy?

As the barbecue season approaches.

Japan Tsunami Appeal: Ganbare Nippon


Get involved and support Japan in this tough time.

Wish you were...where?

It's that time of year when thoughts and conversation focus on sunny beaches, beautiful ski slopes and bizarre cuisine. You've been working too hard and need a break, but where would you like to travel to next? Any ideas? Click on the image below to get some travel inspiration...

Wish you were...where?


Client wants a slimy sales guy in black and white. This is the first scribble and the inked line art.

New illustrations

Two illustrations in the website Fiojovem (

'Taking a Snooze'

For my latest Caravan Club illustration, I was asked to depict the article writer, Shaun, asleep. Here he is, snoring loudly in his caravan whilst wrapped in his sleeping bag. You may ask why there is a drill on the floor, well; he was supposed to be doing some DIY when the urge for slumber got to him.

Caravan Club Magazine Illustration by ardillustration


Was feeling rather angsty so I decided to paint this to feel better.

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